Successful management of Type 2 Diabetes requires adherence to care plans for nutrition, exercise, stress management, and medication. Patients make daily choices in self-care. What differentiates those who engage in effective self-care behaviors and those who don’t? And what are the most effective ways to educate and encourage the choice to make healthy self-care decisions?
In the CREATION Health model, choice is often the dependent variable and influenced by the other principles. How do Trust in God, Outlook, and Interpersonal Relationships influence the process of behavior change and what ultimately influences the choice to engage in self-care.
Can Trust in God play a role (mediate) in engaging underserved populations who historically mistrust the medical establishment by offering care through a faith-based organization?
Related validated surveys/questionnaires:
Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities Measure (SDSCA)
Spiritual Well-being Scale (SWBS)
Diabetes Care Profile
Patient Activation Measure
The Diabetes Social Support Questionnaire-Family Version
Diabetes Attitude Scale -3