How do we measure “wellness” using the CREATION Life principles and how can we determine if a whole-person health-based intervention improves wellness across varying populations?
It is important to consider what wellness means within the context of whole-person (mind/body/spirit) health. It is more than being healthy; it is living one’s best life, flourishing and thriving. How do we measure whole-person health in kids, seniors, athletes, cancer patients, people with disabilities, etc.?
Based on feedback from focus groups of patients, families, and leaders of AdventHealth, formerly Adventist Health System, our scientists have established operational definitions of each CREATION Life principle. The goal is to create valid and reliable survey instruments for CREATION Health wellness assessments for each population based on these operational definitions and well-established research instruments.
* College student CREATION Health assessment development underway March 2018.
For a list of recommended instruments, see selected instruments page.